Friday, October 28, 2011

Gender Ultrasound

So my gender ultrasound was on Monday. We got there right on time and we could hardly wait to find out the sex of our baby. They took us back and started the ultrasound.. as she started the baby got very annoyed and moved around a lot. She quickly found the sex of our baby and let us know that we are having a BOY! Matthew of course was very excited but I was pretty happy with the news as well. The ultrasound tech looked over the res to of our baby boy's body and found something that wasn't right. She didn't let on to her discovery at all but said she needed to see if the doctor had anything to add. The doctor (whom I never met a day in my life) came in and told us that our baby has Club Foot and that this could indicate some Gene issues. I was instantly scared of course and after we were out of the appointment and waiting for a consult with that doctor for later that day I began to cry and worry even more.

The consult lasted roughly 30 minutes and consisted of the doctor telling us that our baby may be born with Down Syndrome, 13 extra chromosomes, or 18 extra chromosomes. As many of you know I work in Adult Foster Care and we have three women with Down Syndrome that live with us, so I know some about this genetic issue and have prepared myself, since the appointment to bring a Down Syndrome baby into this world if that is what God chooses. If you know anything about extra chromosomes it's that you shouldn't have too many. If our baby is born with 13 or 18 extra chromosomes he will not make it to his first birthday. We are praying that this is not the genetic issue we have to deal with but are determined to give him the best life regardless of the outcome. This has been a very hard week and we have decided to have this baby regardless of the number of chromosomes it has. 

On a lighter note, here are some ultrasound pics to enjoy... 

21 weeks and 6 days

it's hard to tell but that is a pic of his penis

He truly is a gift from god and I'm looking forward to greeting him. 

Me and Lil Man (sweetpea)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

OB Appt.

Today was my third OB appointment and I'm happy to report everything looks fantastic! :)

- The doc says today I'm 21weeks and 1day.
- I'm weighing 242lbs which is the same as my last appointment but she says that's good! :)
- Baby's heart-rate is in the 150's which is also good! 
- My belly measured in today at 23cm which she said was right on target!

I'm feeling rather good these days.. headaches here and there but Doc says it might be caffeine with drawls and to try to take my Tylenol with a glass of pop next time. I've been really tired lately too, but I guess every pregnancy is different and so that's normal for my body too... doc says "listen to your body, it knows what you need!"

Really getting excited that the semester is getting close to completion also. I'm finding it very hard to focus in class and even harder to remember things on the tests. Can't wait until I can just focus on my little sweetpea! 

Me & Sweetpea!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sleepless Nights...

I'm not that big yet.. I swear! But for some reason I can NOT get comfortable while in bed... put me on the couch at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and I am snoring away, but when bed time approaches I just get so annoyed. The more I try to get comfortable the less it seems to help.  Matthew bought me a pregnancy pillow and acts like he can't understand WHY I'm whining about not being comfortable. I told him last night, "I wish you could be pregnant and carry this child for a week... with a yeast infection and the baby flipping around making you think you're going to throw up." 

Last night the baby kept moving around so fast.. it felt like I was on a rollercoaster and going down the biggest drop. I kept getting sick to my stomach and feeling like at any second I might hurl. Matt just turned away from me and quickly fell asleep.  Why can't guys understand?? Of all the men in my life I would have thought he'd be the one to at least want to make me comfortable. Like the other day I asked if he'd rub my feet and he said, "I'll do yours while you do mine"... and then said, "you're mean" when I glared at him and punched his foot he was wagging in my face. 

Dear unborn child,
I love your father with all my heart but there are times when I want to stab him with something sharp... please forgive your mommy, for entertaining these ideas. 
Love Mommy
PS. Don't tell Daddy! 

Me and SweetPea

Monday, September 26, 2011

Moody days!!

So I have been sick for the past few weeks now and I am finally, completely, and entirely over it! 

My nose is raw and red. It's been running on and off again for these past weeks, and I finally went and bought some good tissue.  I got this new kind called Kleenex Cool Touch... they are really nice but still hurting my nose! :(

I am positive my baby is tired of me sneezing.. I can't just sneeze once ya know, it has to be at least three times and up to ten times, every... SINGLE... TIME!

I am moody with pretty much everyone around me.  I try to apologize but I don't think they accept my apology since I turn around and snap at them again right afterwards.  I'm so upset with being sick that I can barely focus on much else.  All this pregnancy anger has been building up in me and today is the day I let some of it out... 

I pray I can sleep tonight, however much I doubt it.  I've been unable to get comfy for awhile and now add my stuffed up head and the inability to breath to that... doubt I'll see much sleep time tonight! :(

So yeah this is just a complete rant and yes I do feel better... thanks! :)

Love you all and goodnight!

Love Me and Sweetpea

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Baby movements!

Today is a special day for me.
I took the girls (adult foster care ladies) to Walk Club, and while I was there I started complaining about how I haven't felt the baby move yet and how I wanted to SO bad. The girls said it will happen in time and then they talked about how great it was only to make me envious! :)
So when we got home tonight I had to do some homework and paperwork.  So as I was sitting there doing paperwork I felt this small little tickle in my stomach on the left side... I itch it and it stops... but only for about a minute and then starts tickling again.. I itch.. it stops... then less than a minute it starts.. and it dawns on me.. the baby is moving! YAY!! :D 
I am the happiest lady in the house tonight! I just thought I'd share my happiness with ya'll! :)

love Me and (moving like crazy) Sweet Pea

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So I've been having sinus issues for the past two to three weeks but this morning it is the worst it's been! I've been taking Claritin but it's just not helping at all! Today I have a doctor's appointment with my OB (well an OB from the same office, because my OB is on call at the hospital and doing night rounds), so I will be bringing this up to him/her because I'm not sure how much of this I can stand! :( 

I hope to find out some details at this appointment.. like weight and size of my belly etc. 

*will update*

love Me and Sweet Pea


Doc gave me some antibiotics (killer ones :)) and I'm feeling MUCH better today! :) 
Didn't find out much from the appt because I was SO SICK, I just wanted to lay down and fall asleep until the room stopped spinning!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ultrasound pics 15 weeks 4 days

Here's another group of AWESOME pics to google at! :)

That's our BABY! :)

It's already picked up some of Momma's traits! :)

The ultrasound tech was trying to get a measurement of the baby's neck to make sure it doesn't have down-syndrome or any other issues.. but the lil sweet pea wouldn't get into the right position for a good read.  I love that you can see the little spin and boy was the baby kicking like crazy during this adventure.. of course I couldn't feel it... but it was nice to watch! :)

Another demonic pic... LOL!

Grow little sweet pea GROW!!

Love, Me and Sweet Pea :)

Ultrasound pics 10 weeks 1 day

Here are some more ultrasound pics.... I could stare at them ALL DAY! :) 

Does it look like a boy or girl to you?? :)

 I call this the demonic picture... you have to admit it does look a little scary haha!

I think the baby's waving at you! ;)

Doesn't the baby look so comfy in there!? haha

 I'm pretty sure this is a back view... I think.. lol

Get cozy baby... your in for the long haul! :)

-Love Me and Sweet Pea

I'm back!!

It has been a very looooong time since I have updated this blog.  I have been working for an Adult Foster Care home that has kept me extremely busy and to top that off, I started full time back to college three weeks ago.  I have very little time for much of anything these days... starting to rethink going back to college this semester! I will take next semester off, in preparation for the baby, and so I can spend a few weeks with the lil sweet pea before I start Spring classes. 

So the last I wrote we were about to have our first ultrasound done, well there's another reason I didn't blog right away afterwards... we never got to that first ultrasound because my doctor wanted 500 dollars up front for the ultrasound and we just didn't have that kind of money... so two days after we were supposed to have the 1st  ultrasound done (the 17th) I started bleeding very badly and rushed to the Emergency Room... it was a very scary situation.  Luckily my baby's heartbeat was strong and they were pretty sure I wasn't having a miscarriage.  The ultrasound was very uncomfortable and I was in a lot of pain which scared me, but as soon as the ultrasound tech said, "and that's your baby's heartbeat" and I heard that fast little thumping I began to violently cry.. I knew we'd be alright! Two days after that I had my first OB appointment and got to hear the baby's heartbeat again.  I think I've become very addicted to hearing my baby's heartbeat and my heart skips along as I listen.

Here is the first ultrasound pic the ER tech took for me...

Baby Wentworth

Since that day our baby has continued to grow stronger every single day.  We still don't know what we are having but should know by mid-October and I will be sure to blog as soon as I know! :)  God has blessed me and I am extremely grateful! 

-love me and sweet pea!

Monday, July 11, 2011

7 weeks

Tomorrow I will be 7 weeks pregnant.  I'm feeling tired and sick to my stomach every once in awhile.  I'm having trouble sleeping also.  Oh and I have TERRIBLE mood swings... Matt can confirm that! My poor husband!! haha! With that all said... I'm really enjoying being pregnant! I'm loving the fact that I don't have a period lol!

On Friday the 15th I'll have my first ultrasound! Matt and I are looking forward to hearing our little boy or girls heart beat! I just can't wait to hear the living thing thriving inside of me.  :) I will try to get my scanner working so that I can show you all the first pics of my lil sweetpea! :)

Friday, June 24, 2011


I got a positive pregnancy test on Sunday (Father's Day) but wasn't sure if I was seeing things right... three tests later and I called my Doc with the news. Doctor Will had me do two blood tests now and sure enough I am 4 weeks pregnant as of Wednesday (but I think it's actually supposed to be Tuesday but anyway). We are VERY excited that it only took the one IUI and now we are starting our little family! I have an ultrasound during week 7 and so I will have pics up as soon as I can! I'm asking that everyone please not share my news on FB or other social networks until I have announced it, we want to wait until after the first ultrasound, just to be careful! :) I'm sure you are all as excited as us! Thanks again for your support and don't stop coming here for updates... I will be blogging my whole pregnancy! Love you all!
Love, Me and Sweetpea

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

TwO WeEk WaIt!

I got a positive ovulation result yesterday and today I went down to my doctors and had my IUI done.  We are now in the two week wait period of the cycle.... in two weeks, I either start my period or I'm pregnant. I'm sure you know which I'm pulling for, and I hope you join me! :) Thanks for all your support and love.. I feel it all around me.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Round 2

my second attempt... 
I'm on cycle day 4 today and 
have been taking Femara since last night.  The Femara side effects aren't terrible
but they have
made me sick to 
my stomach and have 
given me a headache. I'm really 
excited to start testing for ovulation.. this
time we 
are going to 
spring for the expensive
tests, in hopes that we wont
miss ovulation again lol! That's really all
I have
to update
everyone on 
however.. :) Keep
us in your prayers please... 
love ya!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Small set back...

So I was doing my ovulation tests the way I should, but I was unclear if Sunday's test was a positive or a negative and turns out it may have been a positive.  Ughhh..

What does that mean?
Well, it simply means that we missed our window for this month and so we will have to wait until my next period and try again.  My doctor has suggested I come down on Cycle Day 14 for an ultrasound (sadly this will cost big bucks) to see if we can move forward at that time.

How am I taking it?
Well, I've been crying on and off for the past two days.  I just feel like it's never going to happen and this is one more thing keeping us from our goals.  I feel stupid for not realizing it was a positive and I feel very mad at myself. I feel like I've let Matthew down, and I really don't like this feeling.  With all that I feel very lucky to have such great friends and family supporting me (I can feel you all around me).  I am realizing that this is simply a small speed bump in our path.  I'm starting to feel less dumb about not realizing it was a positive, those tests are hard to read lol.  I'm starting to be happy with my body again because the positive means I OVULATED!! Which means my body isn't broken! :D

Thank you all for your love... 
I'm so lucky to have you ALL!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Ball is rolling....

My 1st cycle has officially started.  
Taking my first femara pills tonight, since it's day 3 
of my cycle. Matthew and I have an attentive apt. to see Dr. Will on May 9th.  Then it will be a whole new kind of waiting game. Waiting to see if the 
test comes back positive! Wouldn't it be 
nice if the 1st cycle worked and
we didn't have to do another?
I think it would be, but 
trying not to 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Waiting Game...

When we started this journey Matthew and I, we knew there was going to be a lot of waiting involved.  We are at stage one of the waiting game.  I took the last (period starting) pill yesterday and should be starting my period any time now.  I have to wait for my period to start before I can start taking Femara.  I will take Femara days 3-7 of my cycle.  Around the 11th day I will start doing ovulation kits to find the day I ovulate.  The rest is pretty self explanatory of course hehe. 

I have PCOS, and therefore my body doesn't ovulate properly.  When looking back I figure I ovulated possibly once last year.  The fact that my body isn't ovulating like normal, has made it practically impossible for me to conceive. I've learned a lot about my body in the past year.  I never prepared myself for not being able to conceive.  I spent all my time worrying about getting ready for a baby and what a baby would need to worry about what my body needed.  I was getting my home ready for a baby and forgot to make sure their first home (my womb) was hospitable. 

I remember my mom telling me how she got pregnant for me, and how she was a fertile mertile and that I'd have no problems getting pregnant. There are many days that I wish she was right.  So many days that I get bitter towards those whom it comes so easy for.  I found myself the other day in tears and screaming at my computer screen because one of my FB friends is pregnant and keeps posting pictures of her baby bump.  I was screaming, "No one wants to see you FAT PREGNANT STOMACH!" Tears were streaming down my face, and I realized how bitter I was being and tried to quickly compose myself. Honestly she's a great girl and I'm very happy for her, but jealousy rears it's ugly head.

So here I sit on Saturday night... waiting... patiently for my period to start.  I never thought in a million years I'd ever be praying for my period to just hurry up and start.  No woman likes her period, but I find excitement growing deep inside me as I wait... wait... wait for mine! 


Sunday, April 10, 2011

14 days

So! Doctor Matthew Will has me on a pill that will force me to have a period (and force me to ovulate).  The last time he had me take this pill for the SIS procedure, my body didn't respond that well to it and so he has me taking it for 14 days now instead of 10.  So I will have more updates soon... 
(: I hope! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

test results!

Test results are in! We are both healthy and I do not have Cushings! 

We are on our way to the pharmacy to pick up the drugs that should help us conceive! I'm being very positive today and I hope to continue to stay that way through out this whole process! 

The doc has me taking a drug to force me to have a period and then during the period I'll take a drug to make my body drop more than one egg and then we try to conceive!! :o)


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Last week of March

Last week we had blood drawn.  They checked us for STD's and so on.  I had a SIS test done in the beginning of the month to check for cysts, which came back looking really good. My doctor was really happy with moving forward. The process has taken a few months but it finally looks like we are headed in the right direction. Doctor Will had me do a 24 hour urine test, where I had to collect my pee for a whole day. He just wants to make sure I don't have Cushings disease, because if so we'll have to take a different approach to getting pregnant.  I'm hoping with all my heart that I don't have Cushings but I will deal with it if it comes. This journey hasn't been an easy one and there's no doubt in my mind that it wont get easier.  I am calling tomorrow to check on my test results. So I hope to have updates tomorrow....

a poem I wrote...

Dear Future...

I think of you habitually.
Yearn to meet you
To hold you in my arms
To watch your undisturbed slumber.

You find me in my dreams.
Your crying jolts me from my sleep
Only to hear my own whimper
Feel my own damp face.

Your fingers cling to my memory
Chubby and petite.
Your arms flail,
Reaching through unfamiliar blindness.

If hope were a road
My travels would entail
Heart breaking bumps,
And devastating curves.

My faith has been tried.
My nerves frail, open
And exposed.
But still I embrace my broken conviction.

I can't wait until the day
I call you my own,
His own,
Our own,
My darling sweet unborn.

The Beginning

Hello, I am Adrianne and I want a baby! I've decided to use this, as a place to blog about my attempts to conceive and other wonderful thoughts about myself.  I've been trying to get pregnant for about 2 years now.  My husband (Matthew) and I have never used protection in the 7 years we've been married.  We pretty much just figured if and when it happens it happens.  About two years ago we decided we were really ready to have a child in our lives. We realized we needed to be seen by doctors since we weren't able to conceive on our own. We wanted to make sure it was even possible since, my husband had cancer as a child and received a lot of chemo and radiation.  
:::Flash forward to present day::: We are working closely now with Dr. Matthew Will of, U of M Ann Arbor to conceive. We are under the impression that although this will be a difficult and expensive process, it is completely possible!  

We are very happy, just to know there's a possibility of becoming parents.  My very close friend Amanda had some difficulty getting pregnant as well, and has become a mega help in my quest to conceive. Last December Amanda and Rob (her husband and my husband's best friend) gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl (Rylie). Matthew and I have grown very attached to her and her birth has given us much hope for our own little family. I get to watch Rylie three days a week to help Amanda out while she works. Rylie is a complete angel and although she can be a grumpy pants, she's opened my eyes to life with a baby.  

I really don't want people to think that I don't realize how difficult being a mother is, because I'm very well aware. I am just simply ready for the honor of parenting. I'm ready for all the poopy diapers, late nights, early mornings, crying, laughing, and joy that a baby brings. I'm ready for my little "Sweet Pea".