Friday, October 28, 2011

Gender Ultrasound

So my gender ultrasound was on Monday. We got there right on time and we could hardly wait to find out the sex of our baby. They took us back and started the ultrasound.. as she started the baby got very annoyed and moved around a lot. She quickly found the sex of our baby and let us know that we are having a BOY! Matthew of course was very excited but I was pretty happy with the news as well. The ultrasound tech looked over the res to of our baby boy's body and found something that wasn't right. She didn't let on to her discovery at all but said she needed to see if the doctor had anything to add. The doctor (whom I never met a day in my life) came in and told us that our baby has Club Foot and that this could indicate some Gene issues. I was instantly scared of course and after we were out of the appointment and waiting for a consult with that doctor for later that day I began to cry and worry even more.

The consult lasted roughly 30 minutes and consisted of the doctor telling us that our baby may be born with Down Syndrome, 13 extra chromosomes, or 18 extra chromosomes. As many of you know I work in Adult Foster Care and we have three women with Down Syndrome that live with us, so I know some about this genetic issue and have prepared myself, since the appointment to bring a Down Syndrome baby into this world if that is what God chooses. If you know anything about extra chromosomes it's that you shouldn't have too many. If our baby is born with 13 or 18 extra chromosomes he will not make it to his first birthday. We are praying that this is not the genetic issue we have to deal with but are determined to give him the best life regardless of the outcome. This has been a very hard week and we have decided to have this baby regardless of the number of chromosomes it has. 

On a lighter note, here are some ultrasound pics to enjoy... 

21 weeks and 6 days

it's hard to tell but that is a pic of his penis

He truly is a gift from god and I'm looking forward to greeting him. 

Me and Lil Man (sweetpea)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

OB Appt.

Today was my third OB appointment and I'm happy to report everything looks fantastic! :)

- The doc says today I'm 21weeks and 1day.
- I'm weighing 242lbs which is the same as my last appointment but she says that's good! :)
- Baby's heart-rate is in the 150's which is also good! 
- My belly measured in today at 23cm which she said was right on target!

I'm feeling rather good these days.. headaches here and there but Doc says it might be caffeine with drawls and to try to take my Tylenol with a glass of pop next time. I've been really tired lately too, but I guess every pregnancy is different and so that's normal for my body too... doc says "listen to your body, it knows what you need!"

Really getting excited that the semester is getting close to completion also. I'm finding it very hard to focus in class and even harder to remember things on the tests. Can't wait until I can just focus on my little sweetpea! 

Me & Sweetpea!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sleepless Nights...

I'm not that big yet.. I swear! But for some reason I can NOT get comfortable while in bed... put me on the couch at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and I am snoring away, but when bed time approaches I just get so annoyed. The more I try to get comfortable the less it seems to help.  Matthew bought me a pregnancy pillow and acts like he can't understand WHY I'm whining about not being comfortable. I told him last night, "I wish you could be pregnant and carry this child for a week... with a yeast infection and the baby flipping around making you think you're going to throw up." 

Last night the baby kept moving around so fast.. it felt like I was on a rollercoaster and going down the biggest drop. I kept getting sick to my stomach and feeling like at any second I might hurl. Matt just turned away from me and quickly fell asleep.  Why can't guys understand?? Of all the men in my life I would have thought he'd be the one to at least want to make me comfortable. Like the other day I asked if he'd rub my feet and he said, "I'll do yours while you do mine"... and then said, "you're mean" when I glared at him and punched his foot he was wagging in my face. 

Dear unborn child,
I love your father with all my heart but there are times when I want to stab him with something sharp... please forgive your mommy, for entertaining these ideas. 
Love Mommy
PS. Don't tell Daddy! 

Me and SweetPea